The level of specificity of maritime operators’ software needs represents a challenge for land-based developers. At MarineCode, our development technicians have acquired general maritime knowledge that no IT company has in-house. This allows us to offer solutions faster and more competitively.

Our software engineering solutions focus on port traffic management, marine pilots schedule and other marine services companies. The use of AIS data for any project is an asset for real-time display of the situation. Our specialization in the development of software dedicated to marine activities is the guarantee of obtaining a perfectly adapted product. The best software is that which is developed exclusively for its beneficiary and not resulting from an adaptation

Custom software engineering like :

  • Port traffic management
  • Pilots associations schedule management
  • Real-time AIS monitoring of coastal areas
  • Loading instruments for HeavyLift or submersible barges
  • Stability calculation for sea transportation of project cargo

Port Trafic Management

Planning vessel movements from the ETA announcement, to the pilot’s expected boarding time, and finally to the docking time requires multiple sources of information. The provision of this data by port stakeholders is facilitated by the user-friendly design of the interface.

AIS modules

The acquisition of AIS targets and their integration connects the software with maritime reality. The extensive information contained in AIS messages is freely usable. Automation functions can be programmed from the movement of AIS targets.

Loading Instruments

Loading heavy offshore structures on board heavy-lift vessels or semi-submersible barges requires decision support software that can be used by the loading master. When an unforeseen event disrupts pre-established procedures, a digital co-pilot can instantly suggest the best response.

Stability Calculators

Because stability is an essential element of seaworthiness, every commercial vessel must have its own stability software in order to prepare its loading. A practical and user-friendly software facilitates the work of officers.

Tell us more about your project

Whatever the nature of your maritime project, Marinecode will mobilize its network of experts to provide the appropriate solution.

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